Fundraiser to help architecture students facing hardship will be held in June

Aspiring London Mayor candidate Lembit Opik will present a charity fundraiser in June to help architecture students in severe financial hardship.

The event organised by RIBA will include a fundraising dinner and an auction of items donated by the UK鈥檚 most recognised architects.

All money raised will go to the RIBA Education Fund, which provides grants to students unable to complete their architectural education because of financial hardship.

Since its establishment in 1997, the RIBA Education Fund has provided approximately 拢340,000 to architecture students in the UK.

RIBA president Ruth Reed, who will host the dinner, said: 鈥淧oor employment conditions, rising living costs and imminent trebling of tuition fees are creating very difficult financial conditions in which architecture students are struggling to complete their qualifications.

鈥淭he RIBA Education Fund has helped students over the years complete an academic year. Not surprisingly demand is rising and the fund diminishing.

鈥淎s part of my presidential initiatives I have been pursuing ways to bolster this support, and this fundraiser is a great opportunity for the profession to provide vital support to the next generation of architects while having an enjoyable evening; I hope many practices will throw their weight behind this initiative.鈥

The drinks and dinner will take place at the RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London W1 on Friday 24 June 2011 at 19.30.

Individual tickets are on sale for 拢150.00 and tables of 10 are on sale for 拢1500.00.

To book tickets, contact Julie Matthews at the RIBA on 020 7307 3815 or Dress code is lounge suits.