Exclusive: 好色先生TV鈥檚 analysis of accounts reveals CLM achieved 33% margin on turnover of 拢495尘

Paralympian cyclists prepare on the Olympic park velodrome this week

Paralympian cyclists prepare on the Olympic park velodrome this week

CLM, the private sector delivery partner for the London 2012 Olympics, achieved a 33% margin over the past six years on a turnover of 拢495尘, 好色先生TV鈥檚 analysis of the firm鈥檚 accounts reveals.

Accounts filed at Companies House reveal CLM - a joint venture between Laing O鈥橰ourke, CH2M Hill and Mace - made a pre-tax profit of 拢162m between 2006 and the end of 2011 on a turnover of 拢495尘 - a margin of 33%.

The pre-tax profit margin has grown every year - from 4% in 2006, 16% in 2007, 32% in 2008, 35% in 2009 and 2010 and then 41% in 2011.

So far, 拢114.4m of the pre-tax profit has been paid to the three constituent firms of the CLM consortium in dividends

Based on the each firm鈥檚 shareholding in CLM, Laing O鈥橰ourke and CH2M Hill - which each own 37.5% of CLM - have received 拢42.9m each in dividends over the period. Mace - which owns the remaining 25% of CLM - has received 拢28.6m in dividends.

CLM has previously defended its fees which, as 好色先生TV revealed last month, are now expected to total 拢650m - up from the 拢400m originally quoted by ministers - by pointing to savings of over 拢1bn made on the project.

But last month Labour MP Margaret Hodge, chair of the Public Accounts Committee, said she would quiz Olympic Delivery Authority bosses on the figures after the Games.

Peter Smith, a procurement expert and editor of the blog , said the profit margins raised questions over taxpayer value-for-money.
鈥淚f the only way to produce success is to pay such high margins, the question is, can the public sector afford this or can we get such high-quality performance at what we might consider a more reasonable cost?鈥 he said.

Steve McGuckin, UK managing director at consultant Turner & Townsend, said that in the current market firms would only expect to make margins of 33% in mineral and mining projects outside of the UK.

However, he added that the contract had been agreed in a strong market, where fees would have been higher than they are now, while CLM鈥檚 costs may have reduced in the wake of the recession, helping to maintain a healthy profit margin.

鈥淚n my mind a deal is a deal. It could have gone either way,鈥 he added.

Jon Sealy, UK managing director at consultant Faithful & Gould, said if CLM had been structured in such a way as to leave much of its overheads sitting with its parent companies, the profit margin would appear better than it really was. 鈥淚 think that looks very healthy. But it all depends on the business model,鈥 he said.

A CLM spokesperson said its contract with the ODA was 鈥渆ntirely performance based鈥. 鈥淧rofit has been earned by targets being met and savings made as a result of the successful management and delivery of the venues and infrastructure for the [Olympics],鈥 he said.

鈥淐LM鈥檚 performance resulted in significant budget savings being achieved on the programme which the ODA has recognised.

鈥淭he 2011 reporting year saw the completion on or ahead of time and budget of all of the big five venues on the Olympic Park, meeting major milestones for CLM and resulting in a higher level of profit being achieved for 2011.鈥

CLM money graph

CLM: Going for gold

For the six years to 31 December 2011
Pre-tax profit
Revenue 拢495尘
Margin 33%

Sharing out the pie
拢114.4m of the pre-tax profit has been paid to the three constituent parts of the CLM consortium in dividends so far鈥