Five departments to prefer method over traditional building from 2019


A host of big-spending government departments have said they will use offsite construction ahead of traditional methods on their upcoming capital programmes.

Chancellor Philip Hammond said the government wants 鈥渢o improve the cost effectiveness, productivity and timeliness of infrastructure delivery鈥 and promised that it will 鈥渦se its purchasing power to drive adoption of modern methods of construction, such as offsite manufacturing鈥.

The transport, health, education, justice and defence departments will all adopt 鈥渁 presumption in favour of offsite construction by 2019鈥 across suitable capital programmes, Hammond added.

Last year鈥檚 report into the construction industry by Mark Farmer said much more off-site work was needed to combat skills shortages.

Farmer said: 鈥淭his is extremely significant. Government has listened to the call for the leadership of the construction modernistaion challenge.鈥