G15 provider admits building just 42% of targeted homes last year as it announces plan to focus on improving existing stock

Notting Hill Genesis (NHG) completed 42% of its targeted homes in 2022/23 after work on six developments was pushed into the current financial year.

The 67,000-home housing association said in its 2022/23 financial statement for the 12 months to March 2023 that it completed 459 homes in the period, well short of its 1,087-home target and around a third of the 1,377 it built in 2021/22.

The shortfall in homes was due to six schemes delivering a total of 626 homes that had been pushed back into 2023/24.

notting hill

The housing association said it had missed its new build target by more than 600 homes

NHG missed its target for starts, with work beginning on 459 homes against a target of 1,428.

But it said its starts figure is 1,544 when counting homes begun under pre-contract service agreements, rather than full contracts.

NHG also announced plans to invest close to £500m in improving existing properties over the next 10 years. It more than doubled its spend on capital works to improve homes from £19.4m in 2021/22 to £39.7m in 2022/23.

It added: “We are spending £500m (uninflated) on our planned investment between now and 2030 with a constrained development programme, while improving our residents’ experience.”

Despite the decision to focus on existing homes, it said it will still build more than 1,000 homes in 2023/24 as part of a target to build 5,000 by 2028.

NHG’s turnover fell 13% to £728.1m, with its post-tax surplus dropping 7.7% to £94.4m. The firm said the drop in income was due to an £138.8m fall in sales and development revenue to £116.1m.

Housing association financial statements 2022/23

