Paul Foster will take over from Carol Johnson in November

Nuclear Management Partners has appointed Paul Foster as the new director for infrastructure for Sellafield Ltd.

Foster, who was previously the director of strategy and transition, will take over from Carol Johnson in November.

Johson will return to the US to take on a new role at the Hanford site in Washington, and the overall number of directors at Sellafield will fall to 17.

Sellafield managing director Bill Poulson said: 鈥淚t is almost two years since the appointment of the executive team for Sellafield Ltd and the formation of 19 directorates. We have always made clear that the number of directors brought into the business from our three parent companies would reduce over time as our change journey continued. 鈥

Foster, who is a chartered engineer, joined Sellafield in 2000 as head of maintenance and infrastructure services after 12 years in the steel industry. Since then he has held a variety of posts at Sellafield.

He said: 鈥淚 am delighted to be appointed to this new post, and am excited by the opportunity to continue the excellent work that Carol has done in infrastructure during her tenure.鈥