Scheme will develop 30 acres of brownfield land at Bow Goods Yard

The property arm of Network Rail has submitted plans to turn 30 acres of brownfield land at a good yards in east London into a rail freight hub and last mile logistics centre.

The work at Bow Goods Yard is the final parcel of land to be developed as part of the 2012 Olympics legacy.

The site is one of the capital鈥檚 primary railheads and currently supplies over a million tonnes of concrete a year.

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The scheme will be built on 30 acres of brownfield land at the Olympic Park

The masterplan has been drawn up by Maccreanor Lavington with others working on the scheme including UMC Architects, Architecture 00, East, WSP, Make Good, Useful Projects, Montagu Evans and Currie and Brown.

Network Rail said the scheme intends to maximise the capacity of the railhead, improve rail freight efficiency through consolidating operations and enclose the concrete-batching facility and rail sidings. The firm鈥檚 group property director, Robin Dobson, added that it would be 鈥渃reating a state-of-the-art freight, warehousing and logistics campus that is vital to London鈥.

Network Rail said the development will take 90,000 HGV movements off London鈥檚 roads every year with the plan also including a last-mile logistics hub with new warehousing and workspaces. Work will also include new green space.