Consultant teams up with engineering firm Derceto to introduce technology that can save energy bills by up to 15%

Mouchel Parkman has teamed up with a New Zealand based called Derceto to help water firms to reduce their energy costs.

The partnership aims to introduce modelling software which can optimise pumping schedules across large water networks in the UK. The technology, which acts in real time with live data, analyses pumping information and makes intricate adjustments to reflect changing demand while maintaining operations within defined parameters.

"We recognise that the software has considerable potential in the UK," says Piers Clark, managing director of Mouchel Parkman's Utilities business and a driving force behind the agreement. "The technology can cut a water company's energy bill by as much as 15 per cent, reducing electricity costs and mitigating carbon footprints."

Derceto chairman Bryce Whitcher said: "Our company is excited by the prospect of working with Mouchel Parkman, which has well-established relationships with water and sewerage utilities across Britain, and we see the Group as the ideal partner to drive our expansion into the UK market."