Collapsed contractor owed over 拢300,000 to drain cleaner

Metro rod van 370x235

A drain cleaning business has become the latest firm to be hit by Carillion鈥檚 collapse.

Aim-listed Franchise Brands includes Metro Rod which unblocks and looks after drains for FM companies, retailers and social housing operators.

The group, which was co-founded 10 years ago by the co-owner of Saracens rugby union club, Nigel Wray, said it would have to make a provision of 拢316,000 because of money owed by Carillion to Metro Rod.

In a trading update, Franchise Brands said: 鈥淭he board notes the liquidation of Carillion, whose various facilities management clients accounted for approximately 3% of Metro Rod鈥檚 system sales last year. We have fully provided for all outstanding amounts, which totalled 拢316,000, as an operating exceptional item in the results to 31 December 2017.鈥

It added that despite the hit the firm expected annual results to be ahead of expectations..