James Low previously worked on firm鈥檚 net zero strategy

Mace has appointed a new global head of responsible business to lead on the firm鈥檚 push to reduce carbon emissions.

James Low will take over this month from Isabel McAllister, who had led the responsible business division for 10 years.

Under McAllister, the company鈥檚 construction and consultancy business achieved its target of becoming a net zero business in 2020.

Low, who has worked with Mace for eight years, previously oversaw the responsible business service offer for consultancy and facilities management worldwide.

James Low - Full (1)

James Low takes on his new role this month

He also helped develop the net zero strategy for the firm, which is now aiming to reduce its carbon emissions by 10% year-on-year.

Low said that Mace had the opportunity to 鈥渁ccelerate the response to the climate emergency, create social value and generate biodiversity net gains for governments, businesses and individuals鈥.

鈥淭hese are no longer future problems 鈥 we have to act now, and I鈥檓 looking forward to working with colleagues and peers to speed up and scale up our impact,鈥 he added.