Trio to build 1,200 prison places with a standardised construction approach

Kier, Laing O鈥橰ourke and Wates have landed a 拢225m Ministry of Justice contract to build 1,200 prison places across the UK.

The deal is understood to be separate from the existing 拢1bn programme to build four new adult male prisons that the trio of contractors are working on with ISG but will use a similar standardised design and construction approach.

An MoJ spokesperson could not say where prison places on the new contract will be located but they will be a series of 60-person houseblocks.

HMP Millsike

The planned HMP Millsike, near York, is one of the four new adult male prisons on the government鈥檚 拢1bn prisons programme

Each block will contain ancillary spaces including kitchens, while some blocks will include educational areas for study and light industrial units where prisoners can take professional courses such as bricklaying. 

All three contractors will also provide training and employment opportunities for prison leavers to support rehabilitation.

The three teams will immediately commence an intensive pre construction period, with construction work to begin in 2024 and completion expected from 2025.

A spokesperson for the teams said: 鈥淭his vital project will deliver much-needed prison places while also providing valuable training and employment opportunities to those leaving prison.

> Also read: The power of four: how UK鈥檚 biggest builders are working together on 拢1bn prisons programme

鈥淲orking in partnership together and using standardised designs, modern methods of construction, and a shared strategic supply chain enables us to drive efficiency and deliver significant value across multiple concurrent projects.鈥

The trio鈥檚 work with ISG on the MoJ鈥檚 ongoing prisons programme is being done on an alliance model, meaning the four firms are sharing supply chains and collaborating on design.

Kier and Wates are also working as an alliance to build a further 2,200 prison places through the MoJ鈥檚 accelerated houseblock delivery programme.