Firm says it is relying on global infrastructure markets and UK public sector outsourcing for growth

Interserve is to target infrastructure markets in growing economies such as Qatar for future growth.

In an interim management statement the company said its expanding global reach was enabling it to grow despite challenging conditions in some of its markets.

It said the requirement for the UK public sector to outsource services to the private sector was also a primary driver for public growth.

The company today announced it had won a contract worth up to 拢420m with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation. It will provide support services in the Falkland Islands, Ascension Island and Gibraltar for five years.

Adrian Ringrose, chief executive of Interserve, said, 鈥淥ur strong track record and in-depth understanding of the MoD鈥檚 particular requirements will enable us to give these bases the kind of specialist support they need in order to carry out their activities in sometimes very difficult circumstances.鈥

Interserve said it had won contracts worth 拢600m since June increasing its order book to 拢5.3bn.

In the statement covering the period since June 2011 Interserve said that trading was in line with expectations.