Critics say “mad” government scheme risks duplicating existing programmes


Industry leaders have hit back at a “mad” government scheme to require large construction firms to conduct regular energy audits.

The Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme would require large firms to audit the energy use of their buildings and operations every four years. It is being introduced to meet the European Energy Efficiency Directive and is designed to inspire firms to work more efficiently and improve their buildings.

The government is considering how to introduce the scheme but industry leaders said it was in danger of “duplicating” existing programmes and creating bureaucracy.

David Frise, head of sustainability at the ɫTV and Engineering Services Association, said there were already multiple energy audit systems in use.

He said: “It’s madness that we go through another box-ticking exercise that delivers no value.”

Martin Baxter, executive director of policy at the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, said: “This might end up being bureaucratic without encouraging emission reductions or cost reductions.”