But latest RICS survey finds that beyond London prices continue to fall

Sales of housing have remained stable despite fears the Olympics might cause a dip in the market as people stopped looking for new homes.

Data collected by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) for its UK housing Market Survey showed that in august the ratio of sales to stock on surveyors books edged up to 22.5% from 22.2% the month before.

The report said that although this level of sales was historically low it had remained consistent throughout 2012.

However, house prices continued to fall everywhere except London.

Ian Perry, a spokesperson for RICS, said: 鈥淟ittle changed in the housing market last month. Despite the Olympics taking centre stage throughout much of August, it didn鈥檛 have any real impact on the proportion of sales going through.

鈥淯nderstandably, the amount of people out looking at property fell away slightly but, generally speaking, demand held up fairly well.鈥