Study says 234,000 homes needed each year in England as opposed to the 103,000 built in 2010

Up to 234,000 new homes are needed per year in England, more than double the number currently produced, according to research published today.

The work, by the Town and Country Planning Association, backs up the 2004 analysis by Kate Barker that 240,000 homes are needed per year to meet housing need. This compares with just 103,000 homes built in 2010.

The TCPA said much of the household growth - 20% - to 2026, would be caused by a growth in single parent families. These are much more likely than average to rely on social housing, under-scoring the need for new social homes.

Kate Henderson, TCPA chief executive said: 鈥淲e have published this as the housing and the planning system undergoes the most fundamental change for a generation.

鈥淭he underlying demographic pressures for more and better homes has not receded. Our current building rates for new homes are clearly not adequate to meet this challenge.

鈥淭herefore, the government must ensure that we find the mechanisms to deliver high quality, sustainable homes of all types and tenure and ensure a decent home for all.鈥