Cabinet minister reveals 796 apprentices still need to be placed

apprentices carillion

Housebuilders have pledged to absorb any Carillion apprentices who have not found new jobs when the CITB finishes relocating as many trainees as it can.

Cabinet minister David Liddington told a House of Commons liaison committee earlier this week that nearly 800 apprentices were still searching for a new employer.

He said: 鈥淭hat is more than our initial estimate, because, as the Official Receiver has started to disentangle Carillion鈥檚 affairs, we found that some apprentices were employed by other Carillion group entities; we must not forget that the majority of Carillion鈥檚 work was for private sector customers rather than public sector customers.

鈥淐ITB has received offers from four of the big house builders to absorb any apprentices that remain at the end of the process.鈥

The government鈥檚 latest figures showed 638 Carillion apprentices, 573 in England and 65 in Scotland, had found new employers, while the CITB had another 508 offers of vacancies from potential employers.

It was also revealed that the CITB had created a 拢1.5m cash incentive programme to encourage employers to take on apprentices. Liddington said the Education and Skills Funding Agency had reallocated the funding it was paying Carillion for training to the CITB.