Bosses called back by Parliament to explain why decision on Hinkley is delayed again

Hinkley C

EDF chiefs have been called back by Parliament to explain why the final investment decision for Hinkley Point C has been delayed again.

MPs on the energy select committee took evidence from EDF in March, where the firm鈥檚 UK chief executive Vincent de Rivaz said a decision on the nuclear plant in Somerset would be made 鈥渧ery soon鈥.

He also echoed comments at the time from French economy minister Emmanuel Macron, who said a decision would be taken in May.

However, widespread reports have suggested a decision will now be pushed back until September.

Angus MacNeil, chair of the select committee, said: 鈥淲hen EDF appeared before us in March, company bosses were insisting that a decision would be made in May.

鈥淎t that hearing we said that we would call them back in if that timetable slipped again and that鈥檚 what we are doing now.鈥

MacNeil said there could be 鈥渉uge implications鈥 for the UK鈥檚 energy security if Hinkley doesn鈥檛 go ahead, and added: 鈥淚f we have to see EDF back here in September as well, we will.鈥