City mayor hopes to put wind turbines on skyscrapers and build windfarms in the ocean

The Manhattan skyline could see some dramatic changes, if the mayor of New York gets his way.

Michael Bloomberg would like to put wind turbines on top of the city鈥檚 skyscrapers and bridges.

He has also said he hopes to build offshore windfarms far out in the Atlantic Ocean.

Manhattan skyline

He told an audience at the National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas earlier this week: 鈥淚 think it would be a thing of beauty when the Statue of Liberty looks out on the horizon, she not only welcomes new immigrants but lights their way with a torch powered by an ocean windfarm.鈥

He said the offshore windfarms could generate 10% if the city鈥檚 energy needs within a decade.

The proposal comes at a time when energy prises have risen far beyond public expectation.

Bloomberg is now asking potential investors to come forward with their proposals. One interested party is billionaire T. Boone Pickens, who has shown interest in wind power.