The Green Deal firm owned by Neville Wiltshire from the BBC鈥檚 The Call Centre collapsed owing 拢2.6m to trade creditors

Neville Wiltshire

Dozens of installers are among those owed 拢2.6m by the collapse of a Green Deal assessor over the summer.

In August, Nationwide Energy Services (NES), owned by Neville Wiltshire from the BBC鈥檚 The Call Centre (pictured), appointed administrators citing 鈥渃ash flow problems鈥 due to a lack of work under the government鈥檚 Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) scheme.

Last week a report by the accountants Deloitte, filed at Companies House, revealed the firm went under owing 拢2.6m to hundreds of trade creditors, many of which were Green Deal installers.

The two largest single creditors were Green Deal installer JCM Heating and Renewable Limited, which was owed 拢311,372 and Green Deal assessor Northern Gas Heating, which was owed 拢366,061.

The firm owed a total of 拢5.8m, including 拢1.8m of 鈥減rovisions and accruals鈥 and 拢553,260 in tax to the Treasury.

In its most recent set of accounts for the year to 31 March 2013 the firm reported a pre-tax loss of 拢96,714 on turnover of 拢28m.

NES was set up in 2005 to provide energy assessments and free energy efficiency retrofits through the government-funded Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT).

It downsized after the scheme was replaced by the ECO and Green Deal at the beginning of 2013.

In a statement in August the administrators said: 鈥淭he delays in launching the ECO scheme along with significant limitations in its coverage and a lack of a consistent energy policy from the government have led to a major reduction in funding during recent months. 

鈥淒espite efforts made by the directors to secure new contracts, the lack of sales has led to cash flow constraints and so reluctantly, the directors have had no option but to cease trading and to appoint administrators.鈥

Allan Durning, director of insulation consultant APD Consulting, said installers felt they were 鈥渃arrying the can鈥 for the collapse of Nationwide.

鈥淭he sentiment from installers is why are these middle men, agents, going under and leaving us out of pocket?

鈥淭here鈥檚 something badly wrong with this ECO and Green Deal situation. Installers are all a bit battered and bruised.鈥

JCM Heating and Renewables declined to comment. Northern Gas Heating has been contacted for comment.