U+I appoints London contractor to mixed-use scheme


Developer U+I has signed up Graham Construction to deliver a new commercial hub as part of its Preston Barracks redevelopment in Brighton on the south coast.

Construction of the 50,000 sq ft building (pictured) will mark the first phase of works on the £200m project, designed by Studio Egret West and TP Bennett, and will include 369 new homes, 534 student beds, shops, cafes and workshops.

Graham will build the seven-storey concrete-framed workspace building, which will provide a variety of flexible workspaces, prototyping facilities, events spaces and a landscaped roof garden. It will target a Breeam Excellent rating.

Work has yet to start on the the scheme but completion is expected by the end of 2019.

Inaugurated in 1793, Preston Barracks have been derelict for several years. The wider masterplan encompasses two of the University of Brighton sites and will provide further student accommodation and academic facilities.