Recommendation for 6,000 fewer homes per year for the south east angers housebuilders

A government report has dealt a blow to housing plans in the south-east, recommending 6,000 fewer homes per year should be built in the region than previously proposed.

A report by government-appointed inspectors this week said that 32,000 homes per year should be built over the next two decades, equivalent to 640,000 by 2020.

This is 6000 a year below the target of up to 38,000 a year set by the Government Office for the South East, which represents central government in the area. The 38,000 figure was also in line with the housing green paper strategy.

Stewart Baseley, executive chairman of the Home Builders Federation, criticised the latest figures.

He said: 鈥32,000 new homes per year will not go anywhere near meeting the clear housing need in the region. This is less than required to meet Government household growth projections. With housing affordability already stretched to the limit, these woefully inadequate targets will mean more people than ever will be excluded from home ownership.鈥
