The 拢22m fund will help train people onsite

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Skills minister Anne Milton has launched a 拢22m fund to help tackle the construction skills shortage.

The 18-month scheme is funded by the Department for Education and will be administered by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).

Its purpose is to help meet the needs of employers and tackle the construction skills shortage, while also supporting those who want to join the industry, particularly adult learners.

Skills minister Anne Milton said: 鈥淔or our economy to thrive we need everyone, regardless of their age or background, to be able to get the training and the skills they need to make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead.

鈥淭he government has committed to building 300,000 new homes a year by the mid-2020s and we want to make sure that we are investing in the UK skills base to deliver this.鈥

The fund aims to supphelp fund entry pathways for those currently unemployed as well as those looking to make a career switch.

CITB is now calling on employers, housing associations and other interested bodies such as local enterprise partnerships and local authorities to submit expressions of interest.

These can be from both existing and prospective on-site learning hubs.

Steve Radley, policy director at CITB, said: 鈥淲e want all interested organisations to submit expressions of interest that are innovative, collaborative and with training at their heart. We will support applicants through the process and provide expert guidance to apply to the fund.鈥

The funding will only support on-site training provision, and access to live construction projects is essential to qualify.