Close to 700 staff affected

Gleeds has put 80% of its staff on a four-day week as part of a cash-saving initiative to deal with the coronavirus outbreak.

The firm said those earning 拢25,000 or more would see their salaries cut by 20%.


Gleeds has around 1,100 staff in the UK meaning close to 700 staff will be affected by the new measures which are set to last three months.

The firm joins other consultants who have had to make business changes such as Arcadis who has frozen recruitment and pulled dividend payments.

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A Gleeds spokesperson said: 鈥淲e recognise to continue in the long term there needs to be sacrifices now.

鈥淲e are acutely aware of the impact of what this change will have on all of us and this is not a measure we have taken lightly.鈥

He said the consultant鈥檚 priority was the physical and mental wellbeing of staff, as well as safeguarding the business to ensure greater job stability in the long term.

Gleeds has 21 offices in the UK.