Contractor to build student accommodation in Coventry and Newcastle

Fraser Brown MacKenna Coventry student village

Fraser Brown MacKenna Coventry student village

Galliford Try has bagged two student accommodation deals worth 拢102m in Newcastle and Coventry

The contractor鈥檚 building division has been selected as preferred bidder by Newcastle University to build the 拢62m Park View Student Village.

The scheme will replace existing 1970s buildings and feature 1,279 study bedrooms across six buildings, ranging from four to 10 storeys.

The project will also create associated infrastructure, including a new energy centre for the student village.

Meanwhile developer Regents Godiva has also chosen Galliford Try to build a new 拢40m scheme for Coventry University.

The 770-bedroom scheme in Coventry city centre will include ancillary support facilities and car and cycle parking for students.

Commenting on the contract wins, Galliford Try chief executive Peter Truscott said: 鈥淗igher education is a key sector for us and our success here in being selected for these contracts is a reflection of the capability we have demonstrated in producing high-quality accommodation and housing for a range of clients across the country.鈥