New Shoreditch block replaces previous proposal from Gensler which dates back to 2016

AHMM has submitted plans for a 27-storey office tower in Shoreditch on the City fringe.

The One Fairchild Street scheme, known as One Fair, would see 26,000 sq m of office space built on a site which has been vacant and hoarded since 2019.

Designed for developer Rocket Properties, the application would replace existing plans for a mixed-use scheme on the site a stone鈥檚 throw from Bishopsgate Goodsyard designed by Gensler which were approved in 2016 but never started.

AHMM Fairchild 1

The 27-storey tower, designed by AHMM< is located opposite Shoreditch High Street train station

The former plans would have included 9,000 sq m of office space, a hotel and retail space in a taller 30-storey and part seven and 10-storey building.

Rocket Properties purchased the land from previous developers HG Europe (Shoreditch) Ltd and Folgate Estates Limited and has replaced most of the scheme鈥檚 project team.

Aside from AHMM, firms working on the new plans include structural engineer WSP, project manager Cumming, heritage and townscape consultant Montagu Evans, planning consultant CMA Planning and landscape architect MRG Studio.

CMA Planning is the only firm on the team that has held onto its role from the former scheme, which had Expedition Engineering as structural engineer, McBains Cooper as project manager and cost consultant and Space Hub as landscape architect.

The former proposals resulted only in the demolition of the land鈥檚 existing buildings, a Majestic Wine warehouse and a three-storey building occupied by the Chariots Roman Spa.

Rocket said the 0.3ha site, which is on the main route from Shoreditch into Bishopsgate, was 鈥渆xtremely well connected鈥 and in an area which is a 鈥渇ocal point鈥 for growth.

The new plans extend over a larger site than the former consent, encompassing a vacant site owned by Transport for London. This allows space for a larger scheme which includes a part seven, part eight-storey block fronting onto Shoreditch High Street, with the tower element to the rear.

Gensler Shoreditch 1

The Gensler scheme was planned to be 30 storeys

Other schemes AHMM is working on in the City include the nearby 20-storey Edge Shoreditch building for developers Edge and Mitsui Fudosan which was submitted to Hackney council last year.

Thought to be worth more than 拢200m, the plans are a redesign of a former scheme on the site designed for the London Stock Exchange by Make.