Contractors and consultants being lined up for Lanarkshire project

Firms are being put on notice for a 拢500m hospital building project in Scotland.

NHS Lanarkshire is looking to build a new University Hospital Monklands with the current ageing hospital at Airdrie dating back to the 1970s.

In a prior information notice, the trust said the hospital 鈥渉as greatly exceeded its design life鈥 with proposals for its replacement drawn up by Glasgow practice Keppie Design.

Monkhurst Hospital 3

Source: Keppie Design

How the hospital could look under plans drawn up by Keppie

The trust wants the hospital to achieve net zero for both the build and operation phases with a site at Wester Moffat, around three miles from its current location, slated as the preferred location for its replacement.

NHS Lanarkshire is working with the Scottish government and NHS Scotland Assure 鈥 the new service established to assess the quality and management of healthcare construction projects 鈥 to develop its outline business case, set to be submitted later this year.

It is asking for companies wanting to get involved to in the scheme with a contract notice due in March. The hospital is expected to open in 2028.