Consultant to give advice on how firms can hit targets

Faithful & Gould will give guidance to construction firms across the UK on how to manage costs while cutting carbon.

The firm has been appointed by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) to provide financial best practice to businesses looking to reach net zero.

cop 26

Source: Shutterstock

The COP26 climate conference in Glasgow officially ends today

It will lead on the CIC鈥檚 overall strategy for removing carbon from the industry, following work the consultant carried out on tackling development costs on a regional project.

The CIC said it identified Faithful & Gould as a 鈥渓eader in the field鈥 after the firm worked with Manchester City Council established the Manchester Standard for best practice in zero carbon construction.

The approach will now be rolled out nationally by the CIC, reaching an estimated 70% of construction professionals through the industry鈥檚 institutions, organisations and trade bodies.

Faithful & Gould director Stuart Rogers said the firm would be 鈥渆ssentially defining the roadmap to Net Zero Carbon for the professional institutions which govern and guide the industry.鈥

He added: 鈥淭he last 18 months to two years has seen a much greater focus on the need to reach zero carbon, but clearly one of the biggest issues the industry faces is how to manage the costs involved in achieving that.鈥

The appointment comes on the last official day at Glasgow鈥檚 COP26 climate conference, where delegates from countries across the world are locked in negotiations to reach a settlement on keeping down global temperature rises.