Vincent de Rivaz is evasive at second grilling by MPs

EDF's Hinkley Point C

EDF Energy chief executive Vincent de Rivaz has refused to give a date for when a final investment decision could be taken on Hinkley Point C.

The decision had been due to take place this month, and has been repeatedly postponed over the last four years.

The EDF boss was invited back by MPs on the energy select committee to explain why a decision has been delayed again.

During the session, de Rivaz said a decision wouldn鈥檛 happen until after a consultation with EDF鈥檚 Central Works Council, which had reportedly threatened legal action if it wasn鈥檛 allowed to give its view on the project.

He refused to say how long the consultation would take, but added that it started on May 2 and would last for at least 60 days.

He told the committee: 鈥淚 don鈥檛 want to prejudge the outcome of the consultation. The sooner we have the final investment decision the better.鈥