The 750-home development, to be built over a 10-15 year schedule, will generate 100 construction jobs every year.

Damien Hirst's Ilfracomb development

Damien Hirst鈥檚 750-home development plan has received backing from a north Devon councillor, calling it 鈥渆xactly what Ilfracombe needs鈥.

The plan will see 76.6 hectares of land developed into a series of homes, a new school, open spaces, sports facilities and small businesses.

Resign Ltd, employed by Hirst鈥檚 company Science Ltd, has now submitted the plans to the council.

Cllr Phillip Webb, a member of Ilfracombe鈥檚 Regeneration Board, said: 鈥淭his is exactly what Ilfracombe needs. I鈥檓 very optimistic it鈥檚 going to happen because so much effort has gone into it so far.鈥

The site is estimated to take 10-15 years to build, with 100 construction jobs created every year. 140 jobs will be created during development, with 35 more after completion.

Mike Edmunds, executive member for strategic planning at North Devon Council, said: 鈥淒amien Hirst is behind the project and he will have his input on the design. I鈥檝e always been very positive about his involvement with Ilfracombe and we鈥檙e lucky to have someone with his financial clout.鈥

In a response to a question on whether the development would attract mainly second home buyers, Edmunds said:  鈥淭his will always be a problem but the council鈥檚 asking for 30% affordable housing.鈥

At a meeting last year, Mike Rundell of MRJ Rundell Asoociates, the appointed architects, said: 鈥淒amien is a local developer. He lives locally, shops locally, owns local businesses and his children go to local schools. He cares about Ilfracombe and wants this project to have a positive effect on the town.鈥