Costain told main contractor AE&E Inova has refinancing plan

Contractor Costain has received assurances from the troubled main contractor over the 拢120m Belvedere waste-from-energy facility over the 拢22m it is owed on the job.

Costain said the main contractor, AE&E Inova, who鈥檚 Austrian parent company has filed for insolvency, was having 鈥渧ery reassuring鈥 discussions with banks about securing intermediate financing to continue with the project. Costain is owed 拢22m of revenue which it has already booked by AE&E Inova.

AE&E Inova鈥檚 board met on Tuesday and agreed to a 鈥渃oncept and structure鈥 that ensured the continuation of projects until a longer term investor was secured. Costain said it had been informed by AE&E Inova that: 鈥渢he concept includes bridge loan and bonding lines which carry us through the period needed to close with an investor,鈥 and that 鈥渄iscussions with the banks regarding intermediate financing are now far advanced and very reassuring.鈥

AE&E has also told Costain it was involved in conversations with a number of strategic investors.

Costain said it was: 鈥渃ontinuing active discussions with both AE&E Inova and Cory Environmental, for whom the Belvedere facility is a development project, regarding the financing and completion of the project.鈥