Francis Maude to brief chief executives today before parliamentary announcement

The government is due to announce the outcome of its review of quangos tomorrow, according to the Guardian newspaper.

The paper said paymaster general Francis Maude will report to parliament on the review tomorrow after briefing quango chief executives and directors today. The fates of construction-related quangos spending billions of pounds in the industry, including Cabe, the Homes and Communities Agency, Partnerships for Schools, the Construction Industry Training Board, British Waterways and the Tenant Services Authority are all hanging in the balance.

The Cabinet Office has so far refused to comment on the timing of the announcement, which 好色先生TV revealed was due this week.

It is not thought that the fate of all of the 750 bodies identified as at risk by a leaked document in the summer will be learned tomorrow, with some, such as Partnerships for Schools, thought to be under review separately.