Initiative due to come into force at end of next year

Firms are being asked for their thoughts on plans to develop standard measures of how construction can improve the equality and diversity in its workforce.

The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) is drawing up proposals to introduce a common set of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) metrics for the industry.


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The CLC wants to introduce a set of equality and diversity metrics by the end of next year

The intention of the proposal – which the CLC committed to as part of its skills plan earlier this year – is to ensure companies have access to better information about the make-up of the workforce.

The CLC said it hoped this will increase construction’s ability to reflect the communities it works in across the UK.

The organisation said the development of an industry standard approach would also help streamline data collection for businesses.

Firms will only be asked to gather this information once with the CLC saying they could make better use of it by being able to benchmark themselves against their peers.

The consultation, which launched yesterday, and will remain open until 7 September.

The EDI measuring and monitoring is planned to be introduced by the end of next year.