A chinese farmer who fired homemade rockets on builders has secured 拢75k for his land

A Chinese farmer who used homemade rockets to stop developers has won record levels of compensation for his land.

According to the report in the Guardian, Yang Youde built a watchtower above his home and used a bamboo bazooka which he fired at builders as they approach his property.

Youde, who鈥檚 reached celebrity status in the country, is the latest in a series of high-profile 鈥渘ail households鈥 that refuse to accept low compensation or intimidation by property developers and government officials.

According to the China Daily, Yang has won a compensation deal worth more than 拢75,000 for 1.75 hectares of land, a fishpond and single-storey brick farmhouse on the outskirts of Wuhan, Hubei province.

Although he claims to have fired only warning shots at developers, his actions appear to have secured a far higher settlement than that offered to his neighbours.
