Engineer mega-merger could be on the cards, according to the Times

CH2M has sounded out stock exchange-listed British engineer Atkins on the possibility of a 拢3bn merger, according to a report in the Times.

The US consultant - which had a leading role on delivering the London 2012 Olympic Park and is development partner on the first phase of HS2 - contacted Atkins at the end of last year, with the approach made at a senior level, according to the report.

The report comes as .

Last week HS2 announced it had poached the firm鈥檚 European boss, Mark Thurston, to become its new chief executive.

Overall, CH2M employs 26,000 people worldwide, of which 3,000 are in the UK.

CH2M declined to comment. An Atkins spokeperson said 鈥渋t is our policy not to comment on rumour and speculation.鈥