Jennifer Shah, the Bond girl in the 1967 version of Casino Royale, starts new career developing a country club

The former Bond girl of the 1967 version Casino Royale, Jennifer Shah, is developing a residential country club estate in Wiltshire.

Along with her husband Eddy Shah, the newspaper magnate, she is developing 44 holiday lodges and 27 golf holes on 240 acres.

The first lodges are due to be completed next summer. The development is called the Wiltshire Leisure Village and future development will include tennis courts and an outdoor swimming pool. Three-bedroom lodges will start from 拢198,000.

Reflecting on her own Casino Royale experience, Shah said: 鈥淚t was an exciting time in the movies where money was thrown at projects in extravagant fashion. Paco Rabanne was flown in especially from Paris to oversee the costume fittings for Casino Royale.鈥