Firm has previously not operated in London

Tom Bloxham, the founder of developer Urban Splash, has revealed the company is eyeing the London market for the first time since the firm鈥檚 creation 20 years ago.

Bloxham told 好色先生TV that, after 鈥渢he toughest three years of his career鈥 he would look anywhere for the right projects, including London and the South-east where the majority of development is happening.

He said: 鈥淲e have always had a desire to do something here [in London] and the issue has always been entry or acquisition costs [鈥

We are much keener in today鈥檚 environment to do joint ventures than we have been in the past so London should, quite possibly, keep an eye out for us.鈥

Bloxham鈥檚 decision to explore opportunities in the capital comes after the value of the regeneration developer was slashed by half from 拢92.7m to 拢45.5m in a set of 2009 results that Bloxham described at the time as being 鈥渉umbling鈥.

He insisted the firm was getting back on track by focusing more on investment and through working on high profile schemes such as the 拢120m Park Hill scheme in Sheffield launched in September. Results for the firm for the year ending 31 March 2010 showed turnover fell from 拢49.9m to 拢34.5m but losses also fell from 拢38.3m in 2009 to 拢10.6m.

For the exclusive interview with Tom see 好色先生TV tomorrow