Jacqui Glass will take over from Christoph Lindner from April

The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment has announced that Jacqui Glass will serve as interim dean from April, when Christoph Lindner becomes president and vice-chancellor at the Royal College of Art.

Glass is currently vice-dean of research at the Bartlett, which is part of University College London, and has led the faculty鈥檚 multidisciplinary research community for several years.

The Bartlett said she was expected to serve as interim dean for a number of months, until a permanent successor to Lindner is appointed.


Source: UCL

Jacqui Glass

Lindner joined the Bartlett in 2019 and his time as dean coincided with 2022鈥檚 revelations about a toxic culture of bullying, racism and sexual misconduct at the Bartlett School of Architecture, which was said to have spanned decades.

In the wake of a damning report on the issue by intelligence consultancy Howlett Brown,  and UCL apologised for what it described as a culture of 鈥渦nacceptable behaviour鈥. 

At the time, Lindner said he was 鈥渢ruly sorry鈥 that staff and students had been subjected to 鈥渦nforgivable incidents鈥 at the school.

鈥淲e know this is a moment of change for the BSA, as well as for the architecture sector as a whole, which has also been struggling to address workplace cultures and behaviour,鈥 he said.

鈥淚t鈥檚 time for us to have some difficult conversations about how we disrupt existing structures of privilege and power, making space and opportunities for those who have previously been marginalised.鈥

The Royal College of Art announced it had hired Lindner as its next president and vice-chancellor in November.

christoph lindner

Source: UCL

Christoph Lindner

RCA pro-chancellor and chair Peter Bazalgette said Lindner 鈥渟tood out鈥 because of his international standing, breadth of experience, and understandng of interdisciplinary teaching and research.

He added: 鈥淚mportantly, his empathetic leadership, commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, and his championing of the student experience reflect what we know our staff and students also want from a leader.鈥

Prior to joining the Bartlett, Lindner was dean of the College of Design at the University of Oregon. He has also been professor of media and culture at the University of Amsterdam and served as a visiting professor at New York University, University of California-Berkeley, and Queen Mary University of London.