RIBA survey shows drop in confidence about future workloads

Architecture practices are increasingly concerned about their future workloads, according to the RIBA.

The latest RIBA Future Trends Survey indicates that the number of practices expecting to win more work fell from 27% in July to 25% in August, while the number expecting a shrinking workload rose to 23%.

Fewer firms are expecting staffing levels to drop - 9% in August compared with 12% in July - but the number expecting to hire more staff has also fallen by 3%.

Adrian Dobson, director of practice at RIBA, said: 鈥淎lthough the RIBA Future Trends Workload Index for August just remains in positive territory at +2, this represents a fall from +5 in July and indicates an overall drop in confidence this month about future workloads for the UK architects鈥 profession.鈥