Sheffield-based Seams employs 45 staff

Arcadis office

Arcadis has acquired Sheffield-based software and analytics firm Seams to expand its offering to utility firms and infrastructure operators.

Established in 2002, Seams employs 45 staff and led by managing director, Mark Engelhardt, and technical director, Mark Turner.

The firm provides data and predictive analytics to help monitor performance and advise on resilience on behalf of their clients to safeguard their assets, minimise costs and reduce risk.

It will become part of Arcadis鈥 more than 200-strong analytics offering in the UK, but will retain its name and operate as a standalone business within the 鈧3.3bn (拢2.9bn) firm.

Arcadis expects the acquisition to improve its offering to water companies, energy providers and infrastructure operators by providing quicker and more detailed expert analysis to help improve companies customer satisfaction, increase affordability, maintain high levels of service.

Arcadis UK chief executive Alan Brookes said: 鈥淭he utilities and infrastructure sectors are one of the last to be digitally disrupted and if we鈥檙e to meet future consumer and client demands, our industry needs to move forward quickly.

鈥淲hile the volume of data is growing exponentially, the real value lies in our ability to interpret and understand how to use it to deliver valued benefits.

鈥淭his is where the Seams team comes in. Working with our new colleagues to combine our expert industry views with increasingly data-driven insights will ultimately enhance the level of sophistication we are bringing to our clients, helping them to improve their operations and make things better for those that rely on their services.鈥

Engelhardt, said the merger with Arcadis would allow Seams to 鈥渂uild new capability and access new clients and markets鈥.

鈥淭he global demand for advanced analytics is at a major tipping point and the acquisition by Arcadis not only affords excellent career stability and development for our staff, but also presents the perfect strategic opportunity to propel both companies forward into their next stage of growth,鈥 he added.