Architect informs Dohaland that it is terminating its contract for 鈥檆ommercial reasons鈥

International architectural practice Aedas is withdrawing it services from the 拢3.5bn Heart of Doha Project in Qatar.

In a statement the firm said that on 15 September it notified Dohaland, the client for the Heart of Doha project, that it had issued notice of termination of the contract and would soon be withdrawing from the scheme.

David Roberts, chief executive officer of Aedas, said: 鈥淚t is with considerable regret that we have felt obliged for commercial reasons to cease our involvement in this project.鈥

The Heart of Doha Project is one f the few megaprojects happening in the Middle East at the moment. The ambitious urban renewal scheme covers approximately 35 hectares in Doha鈥檚 city centre and aims to regenerate the historic core of the city and to act as a stimulus for future wider city renaissance.

In a statement Dohaland said it continuously monitors the performance of projects. 鈥淚t is with great regret that we have reached an end to the contractual relationship with the specific consultant [Aedas] which relates to agreed performance criteria rather than any commercial considerations鈥.