The CIC chief executive is excited by Beijing and believes the government can keep the economy on track

The year ahead

Will there be a new government in 2008?

No, this one will soldier on despite having a mortally wounded leader.

Will the economy boom/bust/just bubble?

The government seems to be preparing for a recession but if it keeps its nerve and stays true to its own spending plans and targets then this should keep a deep slide at bay

Will you be going green(er)?

My wife is a green campaigner so I have no choice!

What will everybody be talking about?

Sleaze, football, more sleaze - oh and the Olympic Games - but hopefully the Beijing Games will take the heat off 2012 for awhile!

...and the year just gone

Best thing about 2007

It hasn't happened yet !

Worse thing about 2007

It will soon be just a series of memories

Favourite building/project of 2007

The new fencing hall in Beijing