All articles by Michael Latham – Page 2

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    Killer argument


    The industry seems to be rising to the challenge of improving site safety. Soon, those who don't take it seriously could find themselves guilty of more than negligence

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    The politics of the PFI


    The PFI is not a new idea, but if it is to work, the government must be prepared to fight openly for its preferred policy

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    Picking up the pieces


    Since Blair's carve-up of government machinery, the political pressure that makes things happen in construction has all but evaporated. It's another fine mess

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    What son-of-CIB is for


    Michael Latham - The new strategic forum for construction is a boost for the Egan agenda that, on topics from partnering to safety and recruitment, will drive reform further

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    'Son of CIB' must improve performance and safety


    Michael Latham says the Construction Industry Board's achievements must not be allowed to wither away, but any successor must tackle best practice as well as safety

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    Rules of attraction


    Michael Latham - It's no wonder there's a skills shortage when the construction industry does so little to make itself attractive. Stop blaming others – it's we who have to change

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    Classic FM


    First person - Soon, facilities managers will be a key part of the design team – who else knows how much a building will cost to run?

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    Services economy


    First person. ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV services engineers may not be fashionable, but they're as vital to construction as architects.

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    The design decade


    Designers won’t have to wait much longer to become a fully integrated and properly paid part of the team.

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    Things to come


    First person To mark his 20th anniversary as a ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV columnist, Sir Michael Latham looks to the future of the industry.

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    The prize-giving season


    First person Forget the tawdry glamour of Miss World; the most up-to-the-minute prizes are being awarded in the construction industry.

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    Labour’s ‘to do’ list


    In its third parliamentary session, Labour must tackle three issues close to the hearts of the industry and the electorate.

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    Everything has changed


    First person Those who continually complain that the industry’s payment provisions haven’t improved, stop moaning and look again.

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    Reasons to be cheerful


    A look at the impact of the Egan report by the man that reported on construction five years ago.

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    Ringing the changes


    The industry is moving forward, despite protests to the contrary. Now it is our publicity that needs shifting up a gear.

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    Brown's mixed bag


    First person The chancellor's budget won't provide much work for contractors, but it wasn't all bad news …