The director of Exacta Consulting send us some photos he took from his window in Old Town, Dubai

Here are a few shots from my window in Old Town, Burj Dubai development.

The lowrise in the foreground is on the Emaar Burj Dubai development. The towers going up behind and the white ones in top picture are all in the business bay. All the infrastructure and bay itself is 90% complete, by the look of it.

ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV work is going slowly, but buildings are definitely going up – just look at this strange white one in the second picture with holes dotted all over the envelope (the 0-14 Tower by New York architect Reiser + Umemoto).

Companies used to work around the clock a couple of years ago - that's what really changed the skyline so quickly. Now it's mainly a single dayshift owing to the stable prices and reduction in immediate demand.

Hope you enjoy - Steve
