Tell us who the unsung heroes of construction are that deserve recognition

Construction heroes

Construction should be known for its talented and diverse workforce, .

Launching the strategy last month, business minister Michael Fallon set out a series of highly ambitious targets for construction and also criticised the sector’s current performance in areas such as the efficiency of its supply chain and its apparent lack of ambition in terms of overseas growth.

But we know that the industry is actually excelling in many instances, and that much of that success is led by the very same talented people the strategy suggests are not being publicly recognised.

To put this right, we’d like you to tell us more by nominating your construction hero - not established leaders or well-known figures in the sector, but unsung heroes who deserve acclaim.

Who do you think is performing exceptionally but remains below the radar? Who is going above and beyond what is required in their role to really make a difference? Their success could be happening in any area of construction but might be furthering sustainability, design, health and safety, innovation, opportunity for newcomers to the sector, community engagement or efficient delivery.

We’d like you to name your nominee and where they work and explain in fewer than 300 words why they deserve this title either by commenting on this story or by emailing Please include your own name and contact details.

Once you’ve done that, please tweet about your nomination using #ConstructionHeroes so we can start to give these people some recognition!