All GDP figures articles
Brexit realities are hitting home
Labour shortages and import barriers are now joined by certification challenges
Give us the tools and we will finish the job
As the UK economy goes up a gear, there’s plenty of construction work – but where are the materials to do it with?
State of the market: Becalmed waters but no plain sailing
A surge in optimism is wonderful to see, but material price inflation could put a brake on construction’s rebound
Construction drags down first quarter GDP
Construction industry has been the largest drain on the UK economy this year
Why I think government is totally wrong on construction
The latest GDP data mean little in the grand scheme of things
Output falls as construction faces worrying time over jobs in 2013
The industry is on a path of decline and the story this year will be how the 2012 collapse in output feeds through into job losses
Bad, but the GDP construction estimate probably overestimates the drop
The Office of National Statistics has issued its estimate of national output figures, so what are we to make of it?