In 1995 getting a break from the office seemed more trouble than it was worth


Take leave for your senses

Taking a holiday this summer may seem natural to most, but, as ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV reporter James Macneil discovered, in 1995 getting a break from the office seemed more trouble than it was worth.

Amid increased workloads and rising working hours, a survey at the time stated that 42% of senior managers and 33% of middle managers took less holiday than they were entitled to.

Fortunately, the impact of stress on overworked employees was beginning to be realised within construction - it was a step change when firms started to insist that staff take their full holiday entitlement.

Macneil wrote: “Although construction consultants and contractors are subject to unrelenting pressures on margins, they are beginning to recognise the importance of their employees’ holidays. Speaking to ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV last month,

Mike Jeffries, chief executive of multidisciplinary consultant WS Atkins, said: ‘It’s essential to encourage staff to take their holidays. Because of pressure on fees, there has been a tendency for people to work longer and longer hours, but it becomes counter-productive.’ “

To read the full article from 18 August 1995, download the PDF below

