Fulcrum have produced a white paper explaining the requirements for non domestic Energy Performance Certificates (EPC's) which will now be affecting all new buildings and existing buildings for sale or rent.

Through our founder members status at the UK-GBC, as chair of their Technical Committee and due to our long standing status at the heart of the industry we are able to keep abreast of (and even influence) developing policy and trends in implementation of low energy design strategies. We are therefore planning for this update to be the first of many that we hope you will find useful.

Fulcrum believe that the EPC is an integral part of an overall focus on delivering enhanced outcomes in terms of building performance, at the same time as reduced consumption and emissions. We recommend working towards the EPC from the beginning of the design process and looking beyond EPC's to performance in use. Although the governments implementation of the training plan needed to deliver Energy Assessors has been less than straightforward, Fulcrum now have Energy Assessors able to complete the EPC's once the relevant software has been released.

In addition, from the 1st October 2008, Display Energy Certificates (DEC's) will be required for all public buildings over 1000m2. Fulcrum believe they should be used as an active guide to getting the best out of your building, not just treated as a requirement for compliance.
