All articles by Elaine Knutt – Page 2

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    Industry divided over Brown's tax concessions


    Industry gives mixed reception to the chancellor's changes to the tax regime for contractors.

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    Message to deliver


    For new Construction Confederation chief Stephen Ratcliffe, focusing on external issues is the best way to unite its members.

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    City welcomes new broom at Wimpey


    Sudden resignation of lifelong company man Dennis Brant makes way for former Rugby Group boss.

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    Robert Jones


    The former Conservative construction minister is now chairman of housebuilder Redrow. Which means he’s back with his first love: planning.

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    Cheque mate


    The grand master behind the Morrison-Anglian tie-up was not Sir Fraser Morrison. Here’s how younger brother Gordon brokered the lucrative deal and stepped into the limelight.

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    John Gains


    The man who put Mowlem back in profit is stepping into Sir Martin Laing’s shoes as the new president of the Construction Confederation – but is he straight-talking enough for the job?

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    Robert Syms: The builder from the old school


    Picture yourself on the Tory back benches, two years into your Westminster career, when you re suddenly appointed to a junior role on the shadow environment team. The transport brief is ideal for perfecting your soundbites for the Daily Mail, but then there s the construction portfolio, which everyone knows ...

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    They’re back


    A combination of shrewd populism and a government with more leaks than a sea-going sieve has pulled the Tories back from oblivion. So meet Archie Norman and Robert Syms, the men who must convince construction that now might be a good time to get to know the next government. Additional ...

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    Archie Norman: Why the Tories’ business plan will work


    Archie Norman is worried. He has seen the new offices he will soon inhabit at Portcullis House and is unimpressed. It s a funny set-up, he says. The furnishings are expensive but the actual accommodation is very modest. There are a number of small offices with ...

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    Mix and match


    The team building Glaxo SmithKline s headquarters in west London uses more than its fair share of data exchange technology. Its IT system combines CD-ROMs, an extranet and a technical drawings network.

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    Morrison aims for record margins


    Chairman Sir Fraser predicts construction mark-ups will beat 5% next year, but plans to drop “construction” from group’s name.

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    Are the Eganites winning over the industry?


    On the eve of the third Egan conference, construction is at the Rubicon. Over the next 10 pages, ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV reflects on the report’s impact and asks whether the cult of Egan will become the industry’s official religion.

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    IT: Defects database - Perfect match


    This year’s Wimbledon is set to be fault-free – at least where the buildings are concerned, as Try tested a new zero-defects system on its latest project for the club.

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    Mr Rethink


    The boss of award-winning housebuilder Westbury is rising to the challenges of the stock market and the Internet.

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    There once was an ugly duckling …


    Provincial towns are being given much-needed makeovers to enable them to compete with their more fashionable neighbours.

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    Are we safer now?


    Astonishing – European regulations that the industry is more or less happy with. But have they made building sites any safer?

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    Learn to share


    Project extranets are no longer a daydream. Information Channel, co-developed by Schal, is a state-of-the-art document exchange system that will soon support e-commerce and more.

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    Scots MPs back £230m parliament


    Miralles’ design gets the go ahead by 12 votes, averting £80m compensation claims from the project team.

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    Has he fixed it?


    Rebuilding the construction industry’s image is Bob’s toughest job yet. In fact, he’s been at it a year now, and he’s still not sure if he’s got anywhere. Luckily, Wendy is there to help him find out …

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    Added extras


    The team building Foster’s fencing mask – also known as the GLA headquarters – has a new weapon to fight inefficiency: a secure extranet that holds documents and drawings.