European Construction Costs

An easy to use annual handbook and complementary online database which enables you to cost your projects quickly and efficiently.


Accessibility and relevance

The website provides a 鈥榣ive鈥 version of the handbook with costs updated every three months, and the ability to select the country, region, currency and building quality you desire.


Cost your project in four easy steps

Name your project, select your building type, input project data and adjust the details so that you can calculate your own bespoke project.

Civil works cost figures

Retain and manage your projects

Your secure login enables you to store custom projects online. You can edit building models to re-cost, modify or update at any time, to reflect changing project needs.

Cost indices
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New UK construction costs service


Cost your building in minutes

  • Ever wanted to quickly check the cost of a building type?
  • And then compare that cost between different countries?
  • Before saving those building costs for future reference?

With European Construction Costs, you get all of this and more.

ECC offers up-to-date UK costings PLUS the ability to compare them with the cost of a similar building type on the continent.

This is a unique and industry-first offering that provides timely construction costs data that will appeal across borders and professions.

Subscribers to ECC will receive access to an online database AND an annual printed handbook.

This exciting tool has been developed by UK based property and construction consultancy Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB), in partnership with Netherlands firm IGG Bointon de Groot, which pioneered a cost subscriptions service called Boewkostenkompas six years ago.

to take advantage of a free demonstration.

Lance Taylor, Chief Executive, Rider Levett Bucknall

Providing instant access to real time cost data, this comprehensive online tool will be an invaluable asset to construction professionals from all parts of the industry.

Lance Taylor, CEO, Rider Levett Bucknall

  • ECC Subscription: United Kingdom