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    Why the forecast of a shallower recession is bad news for contractors


    The latest forecast from the Construction Products Association suggests that the drop in future workload will not be as large as the forecasters had previously thought.The graph opposite compares the past three Construction Products Association forecasts.It clearly shows that with each progressive quarterly forecast the expected hole in construction workload ...

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    Does the whole GDP debate really rest on dodgy construction output figures?


    It has long been said that construction is an important bellwether in determining the shape of the nation’s economic progress.Today the performance of construction, or rather revisions to its measured performance, seemingly determined how close the UK is to recovery.The upwardly revised construction data put the nation yet closer to ...

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    Orders figures continue to point to a rougher road ahead


    For those poring over the latest new orders figures released today to find guidance on the future of construction activity I suspect there is something for the optimists, but rather more for the pessimists.It must be said that trying to discern sensible insight from examining the orders figures month by ...