Under Stock Market rules, White Young Green has got until the end of this week to announce its results. Gulp.

If the word on the street is true, chief exec Paul Hamer and new chairman Mike McTighe are probably not expecting the most comfortable morning of their lives.

Although the consultant engineer is remaining tight-lipped, investors should probably brace themselves for some pretty headline-grabbing goodwill writedowns on a string of acquisitions made in a rising market.

, it is also expected to announce a £40m-plus share issue to slash its £90m-plus debt-pile virtually in half, incorporating a hefty debt-for-equity swap with its lenders.

But once the shock-horror headlines have faded, Hamer will be entitled to pour himself a glass of champagne to toast a rescue job well done.

When he took over the reins from Lawrie Haynes earlier this year, there was genuine concern the banks might pull the plug on a company that had made some questionable strategic decisions before he arrived.

Hamer was transparent about the issues from the outset and quickly won the City round for his openness. Any huge writedowns will be his way of clearing the rubbish from the balance sheet in one fell swoop.

Even the nasty old bankers were understanding and gave him the breathing space to pull the deal together.

At the time ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV ran an article with the blunt headline "

The answer appears to be "yes, he can".

Once the celebrations are over and the Veuve Clicquot has been polished off, that's when Hamer's job really begins and he can start to build on a not-particularly-ideal but steady financial platform.

It's not so much a finishing tape that is in sight this week - as Hamer is no doubt aware it's more of a start line.